In the age of technology and e-filing, why is paper still a tax preparation standard in some firms? When systems and procedures have been around forever, it can be hard to embrace change. If you recognize any of these justifications in your firm, it may be time to hang paper processes out to dry and propel your firm’s workflow forward utilizing automation technology. Using archaic systems may not be a laughing matter, but here are a few funny reasons firms may still be using paper in their tax preparation.
1. They Got a Bulk Deal on Paper and Envelopes.
Still celebrating that large-quantity price break on paper products? Sometimes what appears on the surface to be savings isn’t really savings at all. When your staff still spends hundreds of tax preparation hours printing, collating, stuffing envelopes and mailing paper organizers and returns, where’s the bargain in that?

2. They Love Spending Money on Postage.
Justifying postage expenditures for your tax preparation as a company write-off? The cost of doing business doesn’t have to be a sacrifice. Time is money and when your firm can invest 4 hours to implement the SafeSend Suite™ and save hundreds of hours, you could realize a 14,575% ROI like Friedman & Huey did by switching to SafeSend Returns®. Isn’t that a better business plan?

3. They are Fond of Paper Cuts.
Hey, we like fun character Band-Aids as much as the next person, but is that a reason to subject yourself to multiple paper cuts and dry hands from handling mountains of paper returns and organizers? With SafeSend Returns, the core of the SafeSend Suite, you’ll spend less time on tax preparation and more time with family and friends. If you really miss paper, take up Origami. Better yet, save the bandages for scrapes from roller blading or shooting hoops with the kids.

4. They Don’t Want to Lose the High-Volume Discount on the Copier Machine Lease.
Your copier rep loves you, but your staff has a zombie-like, glazed look in their eyes from hours in front of the copy machine. Do your clients appreciate the stacks of paper they receive? Everything else in their life is available at the click of a mouse or tap on their smartphone screen. Why are you subjecting your clients to hard copies of documents that either they will have to scan in to return to you or your staff will scan when receive it? Automating your tax preparation procedures will have your staff and clients loving you instead of the copier rep.

5. They Love Data Entry and Shoeboxes Full of Receipts.
Gathering data and entering the numbers into the tax software is one of the most labor-intensive processes. Even if your staff has won 10-Key data entry speed awards, the potential for errors – not to mention carpal tunnel – abounds. Banish those paper client organizers and shoeboxes of receipts forever. Save your staff’s data entry flair for keeping track of the time and money you’ll save with SafeSend Organizers™.

Trade Paper Tribulation for Automation Celebration!
Ditch the paper piles and say goodbye to manual processes. Automate every client touchpoint of the tax engagement process with the SafeSend Suite. The powerful tax workflow automation platform transforms your firm’s tax preparation process, eliminating paper-based, labor-intensive elements from engagement letters to extensions. Innovative technologies in the SafeSend Suite provide laser-focused, innovative solutions designed to speed processes and eliminate inefficiencies:
SafeSend Signatures™
Extend your firm’s e-sign capabilities beyond tax returns to all document types with SafeSend Signatures. Part of the SafeSend Suite, SafeSend Signatures provides unlimited e-sign for one-off documents such as engagement letters and consent forms. Our SignatureFlow® technology allows you to mail merge and batch process thousands of bulk e-signature documents with the click of a button. The reporting and tracking function gives your staff the status of any documents sent for signature.
SafeSend Organizers™
Convert static PDF organizers from your tax compliance software to a client-friendly, fillable form. Include an engagement letter, add client-specific questions, and send electronically. Clients receive an email notification and see a branded electronic organizer. They follow the intuitive, guided steps to electronically complete the organizer and upload source documents. Streamline the collection process of organizer information for your firm with SafeSend Organizers.
SafeSend Returns®
Automate the assembly, delivery, and e-signing of completed tax packages with our multi-year, award-winning, innovative solution. SafeSend Returns saves time on the “last mile” of tax preparation and eliminates pain points. Comprehensive tracking and reporting, automated K-1 distribution, invoicing and online payments, quarterly reminders for payment vouchers and quick returns of signed 8879s are some of the benefits that firms love.
SafeSend Exchange™
Combines the best of secure file sharing, client portal capabilities, and encrypted PDFs in a single solution, accessed from within Microsoft®Outlook®. Imagine, large file transfer, secure document exchange, client drop box and long-term storage in one system that allows a firm to automatically encrypt email attachments right from within Outlook. The customizable Q&A authentication eliminates password confusion, and our encryption protocols meet the strict requirements of sending documents to banks and other financial institutions.
SafeSend Extensions™
Automate the delivery of documents for review, collect signatures if required, provide payment options for vouchers by various taxing authorities, and allow staff to track where clients are in the extension package process. All this and the ability to digitally send clients an extension package in less than three minutes! SafeSend Extensions provides the same straightforward experience staff and clients recognize across all products in the SafeSend Suite making adoption seamless.
Swap antiquated paper tax preparation process for the modern, automated tax workflow automation solution in the SafeSend Suite.

Schedule Your SafeSend Suite Demo Today
SafeSend Returns is the flagship solution in the SafeSend Suite and a multi-year winner of the CPA Practice Advisor Technology Innovation Award. SafeSend Returns eliminates the manual, labor-intensive elements many tax departments experience producing client-ready tax returns.