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Digitize Client Organization

Convert static PDF client organizers into digital, fillable forms.

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SafeSend One Organizers Screenshot 1
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Key Features

Improve firm efficiency with SafeSend One’s Organizers feature, included in the Preferred tier. It automatically recognizes a static PDF organizer generated by your tax system, then quicky converts it into a digital, fillable form. It’s easy and convenient to send to clients, and easy for them to complete and return to your firm.

Document Request Lists

Create and send a fully fleshed-out to-do list of materials, plus track your clients’ completion status.

Custom Questionnaires

Create questions tailored to your clients’ specific needs.

Engagement Letters

Your clients can receive and sign engagement letters within SafeSend One.

No Log-In Credentials

Best-in-class security and ease-of-use without usernames or passwords.

Automated Reminders

Automatically generate alerts and notifications for clients about signing and payment deadlines.

Go Digital

Deliver an unrivaled client experience and improve completion rates with digital, fillable organizers.

Hear From Firms Using This Feature

Our customers love Organizers with SafeSend One.

Alexis Perez-Haggerton

Beasly, Mitchell & Co. LLP

“Clients found it easier to upload and fill out their organizer through SafeSend One.”

Peter Mayolo

Mayolo & Associates LLC

“Before tax season even starts, we are able to send clients a really nice questionnaire that they can electronically fill out, press a button, and it comes right back to us. The number of responses is much higher using the SafeSend product.”

Peter Hudson

Strategic Accounting Services, Inc.

“We had many positive comments from clients regarding the ease of use with SafeSend One’s Organizers feature.”

A Faster, Better Tax Process

SafeSend One makes the entire tax process easier and more efficient, for both clients and firms.

Tax Returns

With its best-in-class automation, SafeSend One delivers returns in 3 to 4 minutes. You’ll save 15 minutes on every return, and you’ll save $12,000 every 1,000 returns.

Next Gen Gather AI

The next evolution of tax organizers. You won't have to painstakingly chase down files or documents through ill-received phone calls and emails to clients ever again.

Secure File Transfer

Best-in-class security without log-in credentials. And, with helpful features like client drop boxes and quick access drop-off links, it’ll be the easiest document exchange your firm and clients ever use.

Unrivaled Client Experience

Make your clients clients for life with SafeSend One’s easy-to-use platform. The intuitive user experience is consistent throughout with guided processes that eliminate client frustration every step of the way.

Get Started

Join 70% of America's Top 100 firms in using SafeSend One and save $12,000 every 1,000 returns.

Save time and other resources while addressing common pain points:

  • Get signed 8879s back fast
  • Better engage clients during gathering phase
  • Increase completion rates with digital, fillable tax organizers
  • Assemble and deliver all return types
  • Automate signature and payment reminders
  • Distribute K-1s electronically
  • And more
SafeSend One = Growth

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SafeSend One is compatible with the following tax software programs: CCH Axcess™ or ProSystem fx®, Thomson Reuters UltraTax CS® or GoSystem® Tax RS, or Intuit Lacerte®.