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Sign Any Document Digitally

eSigning that goes beyond the tax package.

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Key Features

Whether it’s part of a return or it’s a one-off document, you can digitally sign anything with SafeSend One. The eSignatures feature allows you to take care of digital signing needs in bulk, too.

eSign Any Document

Make things even faster and easier with the ability to sign anything digitally.

Get Stuff Done in Bulk

Sending out thousands of engagement letters at once? No problem! With eSignatures’ batch processing and mail-merge capabilities, you can handle thousands of signings at once.

Simplified Client Reporting and Tracking

Since it’s part of SafeSend One, everything you ask your clients to sign is conveniently located and centralized within the platform.

Automated Signing Reminders

Forget chasing down clients about deadlines. SafeSend One automatically sends alerts and notifications for you, keeping them on track and on time.

Authenticate Digital Signatures in Parallel or Sequential Order

Authenticate Digital Signatures in Parallel or Sequential Order

Conditional eSigning

Streamline workflows by setting up signature conditions that must be met before clients can proceed. This supports including Form 7216 consents within engagement letters, simplifying the process of obtaining required authorizations while maintaining a seamless client experience.

In-Office eSign

Got old-school clients who still prefer signing in person? SafeSend One has you covered, providing functionality for eSigning at your office.

An Easier, Better Tax Engagement

As part of SafeSend One, the eSignatures feature offers the same guided processes with that familiar look and intuitive feel. Your clients will be able to seamlessly transition from each stage of the tax process.

Ready to Make Things Easier?

eSignatures is a hit with our customers—and their clients.

Jamie Bickford

Novotny CPA Group

“We are very pleased with this software. Might be the best software addition we have made in the 13 years I have been at the firm.”

Russell Goldberg


“We quickly figured out eSignatures was free with SafeSend One, making it an easy decision to reduce our Adobe contract—saving $90k—and go with SafeSend.”

Cindy Redmond


“The signers love it. Once they review a return, it’s off their desk and out of their mind.”

Start Saving Time and Money

SafeSend One makes the entire tax process easier and more efficient, for both clients and firms.

Next Gen Gather AI

SafeSend One's AI tool makes the gathering phase easy. You won't have to painstakingly chase down files or documents through ill-received phone calls and emails to clients ever again.

Tax Returns

SafeSend One delivers returns in 3 to 4 minutes. With that best-in-class automation, you’ll save 15 minutes on every return and $12,000 every 1,000 returns.

Secure File Transfer

Secure document exchange without log-in credentials or file size limitations. And, with helpful features like client drop boxes and quick access drop-off links, this will be the easiest file transfer your firm and your clients have ever used.

Unrivaled Client Experience

Make your clients clients for life with SafeSend One’s easy-to-use platform. The intuitive user experience is consistent throughout with guided processes that eliminate client frustration every step of the way.

Get Started

Join 70% of America's Top 100 firms in using SafeSend One and save $12,000 every 1,000 returns.

Save time and other resources while addressing common pain points:

  • Get signed 8879s back fast
  • Better engage clients during gathering phase
  • Increase completion rates with digital, fillable tax organizers
  • Assemble and deliver all return types
  • Automate signature and payment reminders
  • Distribute K-1s electronically
  • And more
SafeSend One = Growth

Schedule my demo today

SafeSend One is compatible with the following tax software programs: CCH Axcess™ or ProSystem fx®, Thomson Reuters UltraTax CS® or GoSystem® Tax RS, or Intuit Lacerte®.