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How AI is Transforming the Tax and Accounting Profession: SafeSend’s Gather AI is Coming Soon

In the fast-paced world of tax and accounting, technology has become the cornerstone of efficiency. Over the past decade, automation has revolutionized workflows, introducing advancements like machine learning and cloud computing. However, 2024 promises an even more profound shift with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). This year, AI is poised to revolutionize tax document gathering, offering new speed and accuracy that could reshape how firms operate and serve their clients.

The Role of AI in Tax and Accounting

AI technology is becoming increasingly essential across various industries, and tax and accounting are no exceptions. AI has the power to automate repetitive tasks, analyze vast datasets swiftly, and uncover insights that would traditionally take humans much longer to find. This not only saves time but also reduces errors and significantly enhances overall productivity.

Looking Ahead: The Future of AI in Tax and Accounting

Firms invest in tax software to streamline manual tasks, and AI is set to further refine these processes. One critical pain point that AI addresses is at the beginning of the tax process—document gathering. The goal is to create a more intuitive and straightforward experience for clients. As vendors and firms explore AI’s potential, the industry is poised for substantial advancements in efficiency and client satisfaction.

Benefits of AI in Document Gathering

Integrating AI into tax document gathering brings significant benefits for both tax professionals and their clients. AI excels at automating manual tasks such as data collection and processing, allowing firms to redirect their focus to more strategic and client-facing activities. AI also enhances accuracy by meticulously analyzing data and cross-checking information, ensuring a higher level of reliability for clients and peace of mind for firms.

AI-driven document gathering optimizes workflows, enhances accuracy, and reduces cost. Its reliability builds client trust and satisfaction, as faster document submission and communication processes contribute to an improved client experience.

AI Integration: A Major Trend for 2024

As AI becomes more integrated into tax workflows, firms are increasingly consolidating multiple products into unified platforms. This approach not only simplifies workflows by eliminating unnecessary steps and logins but also enhances the remote taxpayer experience—an increasingly vital requirement.

Tools like ChatGPT have democratized AI, making it more accessible and integrated into various software platforms. However, it’s crucial for firms to avoid implementing isolated technologies that could exacerbate workflow challenges. Instead, AI should seamlessly integrate with existing software to ensure a smooth and efficient process.

Introducing SafeSend Next Gen Gather with AI

At SafeSend, we’re leveraging AI to automate the gathering stage of tax preparation with our latest feature – Next Gen Gather AI. This innovative solution takes care of multiple time-consuming and heavy-lift tasks during the initial phase of tax preparation, for both clients and firms.

The biggest pain point Gather AI addresses is document gathering. Most firms use email to request and receive important tax documents, which is a security risk and a cumbersome process. Gather AI eliminates both of those problems. The feature automatically creates document requests; collects, organizes, and categorizes important documents; compiles e-signatures; generates questionnaires; and even offers reminders and updates to keep things on track.

Gather AI does all of this, in one place, and without the need for a traditional organizer to be uploaded.
As AI continues to emerge, you can expect it to be utilized more and more, including in tax preparation services. But just because it’s a breakthrough innovation doesn’t mean AI will be leveraged effectively by everyone. Experience and expertise still matter, even (and especially) when AI is involved. That’s why SafeSend is uniquely positioned to lead the AI revolution in tax preparation.